The Me Conspiracy
Alex Jones: The King of the Selfish Idiots I HAVE AN ADMISSION. I despise the concept of conspiracy theories. Now, I'm not saying I despise rigorous, intellectual, critical thought. Quite on the contrary, I believe that critical thinking skills are exactly what is missing in the minds of most conspiracy theorists. An article featured on Salon goes into some detail about this very issue. I recently got into a hell-born deathmatch spicy debate with my father ( whose views can be readily consumed at his blog: "From the Outhouse," natch ), who is a fairly-moderate conspiracy theorist himself. Meaning, he doesn't buy into the faked moon landing mumbo-jumbo or the more heart-on-sleeve rhetoric about the Boston bombings being an inside job, but he does call into question the unseen who are harnessing powers across the globe. I think he's a 9/11 Truther, too. It's mystifying to me. Not specifically my dad, of course. I think he's a very smart gu...