Zack Pruitt Is This Year's Kony 2012
Gilbert, Axe, Taco Bell WHAT VEHICLE WOULD KILL YOU THE FASTEST? is the topic of the latest blog post by the writing staff over at Zackipedia , using the pseudonym Zack Pruitt. I'd like to illustrate just how short-sighted this "blog post" really is, and how the political machinations behind Zackipedia, as well as being in the pocket of 'Big Grape Nuts' and taking their blood money, have tainted its ethical standards. Let's start at the beginning... here is a direct quote from the article in question: On the popular website @edsbs poses the following question: "... what vehicle, with no prior experience, would you kill yourself fastest attempting to pilot?" There is only one answer, and I will tell you what it is. But I will first list the other answers that were suggested, and explain why they are wrong. First off, this wild accusation that there is a user on Twitter going by the handle "[at sign]edsbs...